The Policing Authority is pleased to announce that it has appointed Chief Superintendent Paula Hilman to the rank of Assistant Commissioner in the Garda Síochána, following her retirement from the PSNI at the end of this month.
Since the latter half of February, the Authority has adapted how it oversees the Garda Síochána to the new realities and has had frequent, open and effective contact with the Garda Síochána about both preparedness and day-to-day management of policing during the COVID-19 crisis.
The Policing Authority held an additional meeting earlier this week at which there was considerable focus on the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on policing and the related challenge of adapting the discharge of the Authority’s statutory oversight obligations to the new realities.
The Policing Authority is pleased to announce that at its meeting this afternoon, it appointed Chief Superintendent Anne Marie Cagney to the rank of Assistant Commissioner in the Garda Síochána.
At its monthly meeting yesterday with the Garda Commissioner, the Policing Authority recognised and commended the extensive work being undertaken by the Garda Síochána throughout the country both in relation to the current emergency and to regular Garda responsibilities.
The Policing Authority welcomes today’s announcement by the Garda Síochána of the phased introduction of the Garda Operating Model in each of its 19 divisions during 2020, and the allocation of Superintendents to each of those divisions.
Ceisteanna Coitianta
Déan Teangmháil Linn