The Policing Authority has commissioned research to explore the experience and perceptions of policing within diverse and minority communities in Ireland. Following a competitive tender process, the contract has been awarded to Dr Vicky Conway.
The Policing Authority has today published Policing Priorities for the Garda Síochána 2022-2024. These priorities establish what the Authority wants the Garda Síochána to give the most attention to in any given period.
The Policing Authority is pleased to announce that, at its Authority meeting this week, it appointed Chief Superintendents Michael McElgunn, Angela Willis and Justin Kelly to the rank of Assistant Commissioner in the Garda Síochána.
The Policing Authority has today published its Assessment of Policing Performance 2019-2021, evaluating the Garda Síochána’s performance over the strategy period. It outlines considerable performance successes during 2019 to 2021 and highlights some enduring challenges.
The Policing Authority has today published its Strategy Statement for 2022-2024, the third strategy period since the Authority’s establishment.
On behalf of the Authority, I warmly welcome the decision of the Government to extend the contract of the Garda Commissioner for the maximum period permitted by current legislation.
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