Meeting in Public


Garda Appointments

Quarterly Report on Appointments to Garda Síochána February to April 2024

The Policing Authority is pleased to announce that it has made a number of senior appointments in the period 1 February to 30 April 2024.

The appointments to the Garda ranks are made following selection competitions that are conducted in accordance with the statutory framework and the Authority’s Statement of Practice for undertaking each competition. Senior Garda staff are appointed by the Authority following appropriate civil service recruitment processes.

The following appointments have been made by the Authority:

To the rank of Superintendent:

  • John Moroney
  • Niall O’Connell
  • Michael Dorrigan

To the rank of Chief Superintendent:

  • Garrett Billings

To the grade of Principal Officer:

  • Fiona McGlade 

The Authority congratulates all those appointed and wishes them well in their future careers.