The Policing Authority notes today’s publication by the Garda Síochána of two reports outlining the results of its examinations of issues identified relating to the fixed charge penalty notice (FCPN) system and the recording of breath-tests at Mandatory Alcohol Testing (MAT) checkpoints.
The Authority had previously expressed its alarm at the scale of the discrepancies disclosed between actual alcohol tests administered and the numbers recorded by Gardaí and its serious concern about management and supervision in the Garda Síochána, echoing findings of the Garda Inspectorate, Judge O’Higgins and others. The Authority welcomes the Commissioner’s acknowledgement today of the serious failures in the Garda Síocháná systems, processes, supervision and management and her commitment to ensuring that the required changes are made.
As previously announced, the Authority contracted Crowe Howarth to carry out an independent review of (a) the reporting of breath tests and MAT checkpoints and (b) the issuing of FCNs and summonses in respect of FCN offences. The Authority has already provided both Garda Síocháná reports to Crowe Horwath for it to assess as part of this independent review. These reports will also be considered further by the Authority at its meeting on September 28th.